Competitor: 464

Jacob Noerby Soerensen
  • Name: Jacob Noerby Soerensen
  • Nation: Sweden
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 36
Age: 13
Color: Bay
Sire: Sir Donnerhall
SireDam: Johnson Tn
Breed: OLDBG
Owner: Bjarke Laustsen
  • E: Magnus Ringmark
  • H: Andrew Ralph Gardner
  • C: Katrina Wuest
  • M: Susan Hoevenaars
  • B: Francis Verbeek-van Rooy
No. Description Cos. Avg.
1 Collected walk (minimum 20 m) 6.70
2 Extended walk (minimum 20 m) 6.60
3 Half-pass right (collected trot) 7.40
4 Half-pass left (collected trot) 6.50
5 Extended trot 7.10
6 Half-pass right (collected canter) 6.90
7 Half-pass left (collected canter) 7.20
8 Extended canter 7.10
9 Flying changes every second stride (minimum 5 times consecutively) 7.40
10 Flying changes every stride (minimum 9 times consecutively) 5.60
11 Canter pirouette right 2 4.30
12 Canter pirouette left 2 7.30
13 Passage (minimum 15 m on one track) 2 7.20
14 Piaffe (minimum 10 steps straight) 2 6.80
15 Transitions from passage to piaffe and from piaffe to passage 7.10
16 Halt 6.80
17 Rhythm 4 7.42
18 Harmony between rider and horse 4 7.26
19 Choreography 4 7.62
20 Degree of difficulty 4 7.74
21 Music and interpretation of the music 4 7.80
Total 71.240% (16)